accessible toilets

Not everyone feels comfortable using gendered toilets.

We are members of the Rainbow Power Youth Council – part of Free2B Alliance.

We are asking companies to think about their toilet facilities and make small changes to be more inclusive for trans and non-binary people.

We have made some suggestions below which do not impact on male and female toilet blocks, as these are also of course very important!

 Single stall toilets should all be gender neutral.

  • Ideally have a sanitary bin in all single stall gender neutral toilets if financially able to do so.  And if this is not possible, make sure to say if it has a sanitary bin or not.
  • Let your staff know why you are making these changes.
  • Consider updating the signage if you have a disabled toilet to say ‘accessible toilet’ and remember not all accessibility needs are visible.

Gender reassignment is a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010 and it is therefore important to ensure you are providing appropriate facilities to ensure you are not discriminating.

Updating a single stall toilet with gender neutral signage is a helpful way to provide a safe space for those who need it. Whether this is via a gender-neutral accessible stall, or other single stall toilets that may be available. Please see below for example signs.

It is also important to remember that trans individuals may choose to use the toilets in line with their gender identity.  

Additional notes regarding accessibility:

Please ensure the emergency ‘red cord’ hangs freely to the ground. 

The cord should not be tied up as it must be reachable, especially if someone has fallen. 

Please visit Euan’s Guide to order ‘reminder cards’ to stop the red cords getting tied up / or tucked out of the way. 

It is preferable to keep accessible toilets unlocked for ease of use. But if your organisation does use a key or pin system – please remember not all accessibility needs are visible – please don’t challenge someone who asks to use the accessible facilities.


Example signs

Below are some simple examples of effective toilet signs.

Factors to consider when developing your gender neutral / single stall signs:

  • Keep it simple – a basic picture and key wording is all that is needed.
  • Complicated images trying to ‘represent’ gender neutral, such as a half man / half women symbol can be more confusing.
  • If possible, consider getting your accessible sign also in braille.
  • Why not check out this organisation who provide downloadable inclusive templates:

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