We provide safe spaces to support LGBTQ+ communities

Free2B Alliance is a London based community organisation, supporting LGBTQ+ young people and their parents.

We provide 1:1 and group services in schools and in the community including trans groups, with all of our provisions co-developed with our members. We challenge homophobia, biphobia and transphobia and we provide LGBTQ+ awareness training to schools and organisations to promote inclusivity.

We seek to provide safe spaces and champion empowerment, acceptance and a place where you are Free2B!

our mission

Free2B improves LGBTQ+ lives by providing responsive wellbeing support, safe spaces and proactive education, empowering local communities to address discrimination.

OUR values


Encouraging participation & actively listening to our members

Our activities and services are driven by the needs of our members. Everyone is encouraged to participate and we actively listen to ideas that are shared to inform Free2B’s decisions.


Strengthening the shared voice and championing inclusion                               

Our partnerships reinforce the shared voice and collective change across society. By collaborating with allies, we boost the success of LGBTQ+ activities and increase the reach of Free2B support.


Celebrating diversity and respecting individuals                                                      

Inclusivity is key to Free2B’s culture and as part of this, we treat differences with the respect they deserve. Our belief is that diversity enlightens individuals, enhances communities and enriches society.


Challenging discrimination without confrontation                                                 

We recognise that others may hold views that do not align with our values. Our training and education schemes for the inclusion of LGBTQ+ individuals in society adhere to our non-confrontational ethos.



Our groups & 1:1 support provide a safe, social space for LGBTQ+ youth including trans young people


Monthly peer support group & 1:1 support for parents of trans and gender variant children

Training foR

Bespoke and package training
offers to support the development of LGBTQ+ inclusive environments

MEET THE board of directors

Meet the team

free2b advisory panel


Voluntary sector 


Children’s Rights / Senior Leadership




PR / Comms


We would like to say a special thank you to each and every individual who has made a donation to Free2B and to all those who have fundraised on our behalf!

Corporate partner:  Edwin Coe LLP named us their Charity of the Year 2023-24

What do Individuals & Organisations Say about us?

  • I just wanted to thank the team at Free2b Alliance. You have given us the right support and advice at just the right time. Not having experienced it before it has sometimes been hard to negotiate our way through developing the right approach for a child who is transitioning; your straightforward, sensitive, caring and informative advice has been a life-line. Thank you!

    Jonathan Whitfield, Headteacher,
    Woodingdean Primary School

  • I used to go to the Gap a few years ago and I just wanted to say thank you to you and the other workers at the youth club for making it such a warm and welcoming place. Although I haven’t attended lately it’s something I hold close to me and know I really needed at the time. Thank you for giving me something that school and home couldn’t provide for me.

    Gap Member

  • The GAP allows me to volunteer near home, making a difference and direct impact to my local community. This youth club creates a safe space for young GLBT people that did not exist when I was young. I am proud to be part of it.

    Alexis, Volunteer

  • I am the mother of an 11 year old transgender boy who has lived (for most purposes) as a male since toddlerhood but transitioned at his all-girls school only last September. Nicki has provided invaluable support and advice to my son and to me over the past year or so. We both love Nicki and trust her implicitly. My son in particular really opens up to her and seems actually to listen to her gentle suggestions! She is highly professional, exceptionally well-informed and trained, and thoroughly in touch with the needs and concerns of LGBTQ+ young people and the community in general. More importantly, she is a warm, genuine, respectful, intelligent and intuitive person, who has transformed the lives of many LGBTQ+ young people who come to her, often in circumstances where there is nowhere else to turn. She is like a surrogate parent, street-smart older sibling and wise community leader combined!

    Lisa, Parent

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Copyright © Free2B-Alliance Community Interest Company | Registered Company number 9718981
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