✨ Free2B Joys of the Year 2023-24 ✨

Our recent team day was a blast! We took a moment to reflect on the past year’s highlights, and T captured the spirit of our year beautifully in this poem:

“Joys of the Year that I can remember 2023-24

Free2B Alliance, that’s Lucie, Georgina, Lianne, Leo, JC & T,
all working together to support our LGBTQ+ community

Parents, teachers, businesses & schools,
we do our best to help them all

What an amazing year we’ve had to date,
my list of positives, I’m gonna try to create

The Lego trip, all the way to Brick Lane,
journey on the Overground, giant Lego statues, it was well insane!

Dj-ing, skipping challenges, CPR & first aid workshops, which our young people got involved with on a Friday night,
seeing the art that’s created & achievements met, fills me with such delight.

Bubbles, Gay Uno, laughing out loud @ Drag Race clips, school bake sales, snacks, sharing music & dancing around the room,
suddenly the bell rings at school & the moment of joy ends too soon.

Trips to the Wimbledon Foundation & the Imperial War Museum, the opportunity to socialise & share rainbow vibes,
it was even better, when I was able to show the team what’s been happening, through my PowerPoint of slides!

Loving Croissant & Mr Tea
jumping at the chance, of every photo opportunity

To see D & L get through school & ready for their nest steps, made me Proud, for real,
& from where they came from & what they’ve had to go through, it’s also empathy I feel.

The sun is shining, it’s July 2024,
looking forward to seeing, what next is in store…”

Activities, LGBTQ+, wellbeing

Copyright © Free2B-Alliance Community Interest Company | Registered Company number 9718981
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