
Below are resources to support your wellbeing

If you find a resource/ activity / approach that helps your wellbeing…please let us know as it may help others so it would be great to share it! 

mindfulness colouring

Supporting messages from our members:

Be yourself and remain open to fluidity in your Identity, Expression, Attraction.

Use humour to laugh off moments of Transphobia – know its more about them than you!

Know your support systems when things feel difficult: Allies, Safe Spaces/People and have chats with those people about what would be supportive in these moments.

Its ok to talk and be open about experiences/identity.

If I fell out with someone, I used to think it was because of my identity – not placing all challenges / difficulties on identity.


struggling at home?

Support for young people living in homophobic, biphobic & / or transphobic households

Living in a household where you are not seen for who you are can be incredibly difficult. We are here to support you. From self-care to practical help when you need it most: here you can find advice on where to get the support you need.

If your living situation becomes too difficult to manage, it is important to remember that there are services out there to support you (see below).

In emergencies, please call 999.

If you’re in danger, call 999 and try to speak to the operator if you can, even by whispering. You may also be asked to cough or tap the keys on your phone to answer questions. 

If you can’t speak, press 55 when prompted and your call will be transferred to the police. 

Pressing 55 only works on mobiles and doesn’t allow the police to track your location.

If you don’t press 55 your call will be ended.

Your support networks

When we are living with people who don’t see us for who we are, it is important that we regularly connect with those who do. Some suggestions are:

  • Regular contact with your LGBTQ+ Network or supportive individuals within your life
  • Following inspiring LGBTQ+ Role Models
  • Watching LGBTQ+ TV Programs and Films

support services

Galop – the LGBT+ anti-violence charity

London LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0207 704 2040 | [email protected]

National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline: 0800 999 5428 | [email protected]

Report Online: http://www.galop.org.uk/report/


The Albert Kennedy Trust: offers housing support for young people between the ages of 16-25 years old. www.akt.org.uk

Stonewall Housing: offers housing advice and support to anyone from the LGBTQ+ community https://stonewallhousing.org/

Further helplines and support: https://free2b.lgbt/helplines/Helplines

Please be assured, whatever you are feeling right now is ok and there is plenty of support available to help you through your journey.

Please do get in touch if you’d like to speak to our LGBTQ+ youth support team: [email protected]  | 07529 221 239


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